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Au Pair: Looking for A Family

Trying to find an au pair host family immediately is quite tough, spend much energy, time, and mind. Especially I'd like become an au pair for the first time and the last time in my life before I will get married in 2012. So, I need to find a family soon. Also, if you are looking the criteria that the family will pay a return flight ticket, pay the language course plus nice stipend. Most of them would pay 50%. But I found myself with some family are willing to pay a return flight. Lucky me...

After 2 months searching I found a German family who would like to hire me. Talking about flight ticket, I need to pay it in advance. I got no problem for that unless they pay it hehehe... Plus my au pair family will pay all the visa fee, insurance, etc? Yes they do. Now, I'm in arranging visa process step but I don't apply it yet. The family will send me the documents I need meanwhile, me myself, I need to learn Deutsch very hard as I don't have certificate of SD 1 (Deutsch Exam for beginner) as one of the visa requirements. Then, I'll take the exam on the 29th Oct in Goethe Institute here in Indonesia. Pffff.... It made me sick learning the language everyday about 6-12 hours as I'm learning it from a book with audio by myself. But, I know I can't go back and I'm really looking forward become an Au Pair. I wish I could come to Germany around November and December.

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