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Au-pair Advertising

Au Pair Leah, 23, female, Indonesian

Name: Leah

Age, gender: 23, female

Living in: Indonesia

Nationality: Indonesian

Start date: 10 / 2010 - 01 / 2011

Length of stay: 6 - 24 month

Good language skills: English

Basic language skills: Dutch

Where would you like to become an au pair? Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway

Age of the children you would like to look after? 0 - 12 years

Dear Family

Dear Family,

My name is Leah. I know your children is important and you try to give the best for them but you understand also that you can't leave your job. Here, I am now to help you. I can help you look after your baby or your children.

I have 11 months (July 2010) niece. And I'm look after her with my mom since she was born as her parents are working a long the day so I know how to take care a baby also a child.

Leah, some more questions:
Is there a specific region where you would like to go? No
Do you smoke? No
Do you mind if the family smokes? No
Do you have a driver's license? Yes
Would you be willing to do housework? Yes
Have you worked as an au pair before No
Would you look after disabled children? Yes
Would you accept a job in a single parent family? Yes

Preferred region: in a big city, in a small town

Leah, please describe yourself and tell us about your interests

I just graduate from university last March and I almost finish traveling in Indonesia and after that I would like to be an au pair before I will continue my master. I want to take some time first in relaxing on cultural thing, living with foreign family, gather with children and also learning language.

I'm honest, cheerful, open-minded, easy in adaptation, interested in new experience and also full of anthusiasm. I can play basketball, volleyball, tenis, and badminton. I love adventure thing and outdoor activity.

I love children and babies. Nothing can compere the positive feeling when I see them smiling. So much full of energy. I can dance 2 of my traditional dances, so I can teach your children how to dance. I can make origami, and craft example making bag from cloth or paper. Hang out together in the afternoon is my favorite as I often doing it with my niece. The important thing is I would like become sister for your children.

I can cook Indonesian meal & snack.

Leah, why do you want to work as an au pair??

Being an au pair is like I take care the children like I take care my niece but I got paid. Beside that I want to learn a local language where I will work as an au pair. That's why I prefer to work in non-English native speaking country.

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