What I see. What I hear. What I feel. What I do.

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Little Researches

During my stay in Jogja, I have at least done two little researches:

1. From my place to my campus, there are two options by motor bike. First, from UUI Ekonomi via gejayan trough Selokan Mataram. Second, from UUI Ekonomi trough Ringroad via Kaliurang street. Usually, I took the second option. But one of my friends mentioned that the first option is faster than the second one. As, it's less traffic. Then, I followed his saying. But later, I realized that it's not true. I calculated the duration those both options. The result is the second option is faster than the second one. On the second option, even it's more traffic but I could ride faster and not as slow as the first option. On the first option, passing Selokan Mataram, as it's a small road, we should at least not that fast as on the big road. So, it makes us slow like a snail. Then, the second option is better.

2. Flushing the toilet on the base floor of my renting house. I was annoyed as my housemates didn't flush it properly. The automatic flush doesn't work so we need to pour water with a bucket from "Bak Mandi" Sometimes, I saw shit in the morning (yesterday again) when I wanted to take a shower. That was so annoying! But then, it made me curious why it could happened while I believe they have flushed it. Then, I made an experiment. First, I flushed 5x bucket water. It looks clean but then actually it was still there. It wasn't flushed properly. Second, I flushed 7-8x bucket water, but it's not that enough. The last, I flushed 10x bucket water. I waited, then it was flushed properly. So, the conclusion is my housemates who didn't flush it properly, she/he just flushed 5x bucket water. It could be too that they thought 5-8x buckets water are enough, and it's just already much. But, they forgot that it didn't make the toilet clean yet.

But then I'm still curious (click to read the answer) with one thing: Why are most my housemates messy and don't clean the house or neat their room? (It's not my business but I am still curious) Are they indeed like that when they come back to their country. Or they are just like that bcoz they stay in the third world country like Indonesia, which I don't deny that lots places are not clean and lot of people throw the rubbish away to the river or to the sea?

Some people I know mentioned: Bule is (jorok) shabby! Why do you like to rent a house with them? I just smiled. I said that actually it wasn't really like that. And I believe actually they are not like that. Maybe they are just students who are just having fun in the cheapy country like Indonesia. And perhaps if they come back again to their country, they won't be a messy person as their environment asks them to be neat.
I believe cleanliness is related with education, wealthy, and age. Most Indonesian people who are not aware with cleanliness b'coz most of them are uneducated and poor people. For example, the slum area in Jakarta, most of people along in the river bank, they throw their rubbish away to the river. But if I talk about my housemates, then I have no idea but age. Educated? They are educated. Wealthy? They are not that poor. Well, I have no more idea then ehehehe....

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