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So Difficult: Love vs Desire

It's so difficult to have an unspontaneous partner. Whereas, sometimes we are the girls love to get a surprise, spontaneous moment, something which make us smile or stunning from our partner. But, what about if our partner is too calm and passive? Don't blame us if we leave you. It's not bcoz we don't love you. We are just bored.

In a relationship, most women have a passion they want from their partner. Love and money is not enough, we also need care and protection. Hey, wait a minute. Beside that, we need a bombastic feeling which freshen our brain. Sometimes we love our partner becomes "naughty" too. And we just love it...

It doesn't mean we are so dependent to our partner. We can do it by ourselves and we are able to build a fabulous moment too. Aaaah... Still. We love to receive a fabulous moment from our partner ofcourse. Nah, we don't ask a set of luxurious jewelery, fancy romantic dinner, and expensive holiday (even we don't refuse it if we get it). We just ask a small thing. a cheap one. We just ask you have an inisiative to ask us to do something together. It's so easy. Example, "Baby, lets cook!" (we know that you can't cook or perhaps you hate to cook but you have an initiative to do so with us which it's the cup of our tea). For long distance relationship couple, you might call us by saying "Lets meet on chatting" (even we talk on the phone and play sms often, or we know that you are so busy and tired due to your work)

Don't wait us to invite you to do something together. The worst is what about if the woman always has the initiative or we always think that the initative just come from us, from the girls? Once or twice we invite you is ok. But if we think that we invite you first all the time. Once again, don't blame us if the relationship ends so fast.

Relationship is not about love but also give and take. Fullfiling each other.

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