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A Playboy Guy Is My Lack

Some people think that I'm independent. In some aspects, Independent of the way of thinking that I don't follow someone else if I want to do something or to make a decision. Ok. Ja'. I got it. So, If I don't wanna do something, I don't wanna do it. If I think it's not appropriate, so I don't wanna do it either.

But, I tell you, my friend. I can't say no to a playboy guy. Those playboy guys always can attract me easy. Feels like I got a hypnotize. I would like to do everything for them even they don't ask. I would be so happy to give something unconditonally. I admit that they got lot of charms. A charming guy always melts me. It's like I would like to die for it hahaha.... Give my soul for free. I'm just ok if they are being a bit naughty (how the way they make a trick to their girl friends). And, I love their stories. So full so much positive energy hahaha...

It happened a couple of days ago to me. Suck... He is so charming!!!!

I feel young. I flirt!!!

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